Eastern Hills Community Kindergarten About Us…
We offer 4 year old Kindergarten at an off school site purpose built facility. With a strong emphasis on play based learning and nature play it is a beautiful government funded alternative to school based kindy.
Eastern Hills Community Kindergarten is a community-based facility and, like school-based kindergartens, is registered under the School Education Act (1999), to offer an educational program to children during their first year of schooling. A community kindergarten operates in a purpose-built building that is not located on the school site. They offer an alternative to school-based onsite kindergartens and typically operate in facilities that are leased from local government. They provide kindergarten programs for children who turn four years of age by 30 June in the year they attend.
The management of Eastern Hills Community Kindergarten is shared between the Parent Committee and the Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs Alysia Stretch & EA, Mrs Anthea Poole who work very closely together. A community-based kindergarten's teacher and program are under the authority of the Department of Education and Training. Kindergarten children from the Community Kindy have exactly the same access to the local school as those who attend the school-based kindy.
The centre can cater for up to 20 children per session. To attend kindy children must be already 4 or else turn 4 before the 30th of June of the year they attend. Our days are 5 full days per fortnight and are as follows:
8:45 - 2:45
8:45 - 2:45
Alternating Monday
8:45 - 2:45
We run playgroup sessions on Friday 9.30am till 11.30am. We cater for up to 18 families per session and currently have vacancies. The centre provides a great opportunity for you to spend some fun time with your children in a safe, warm and friendly environment. You will also have the opportunity to meet other parents and carers and your child will have lots of new friends to play with. Our indoor and large outdoor area provide many different opportunities of play.